Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sanity Saver!

Our Sanity Saver!
 My child has the memory of a goldfish. Every morning is spent playing 20 questions such as "have you brushed your teeth yet?" and "are those clean socks?" My husband and I work together in this game, but when he had to spend a week out of town, I knew I would be on my own. Since I am getting ready for work at the same time she is getting ready for school, I had to devise a strategy to avoid meltdowns in the morning.

I went to the store-that-shall-not-be-named out of a momentary lapse of brain function, but they actually had what I needed on clearance and I have used the supplies on other crafts!

You will need:

Three colors of poster board (or other sturdy paper)
Self-adhesive magnet tape
Aleen's craft glue
Permanent marker
hole punch

Write the title on the top of the base sheet the poster board. 

On the yellow board, cut equal sized strips in the number you will need to complete the list. 
Cut off a 2" strip of magnet and adhere to the list strip. 
With the green board, cut one strip slightly more narrow than the yellow and then into 3" pieces. Write DONE on the green pieces. Smear some craft glue onto the magnet and adhere the green to the back side of the yellow. 
Cut a 4" strip of magnet and stick to the pink where you want to hang the yellow strip.

 Punch two holes into the top of the poster board and string ribbon through the holes. You're now good to go.


  1. As she finishes each task, she just flips it to the "Done" side and she can keep track herself of what needs to be done!

  2. It has been a month since we have started this and WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?! She isn't late, she isn't running helter skelter through the house trying to figure out what she's missing. Even better, she isn't having those "Oh Crap! I forgot _____!!!" moments anymore since it's all right there and is now a ritual. I have time to actually style her hair and still make it to work on time and her onto the bus, all without having to get up at dark:thirty.
